
Bias Putih Beach Becomes Increasingly Dazzling

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Bias Putih Beach increasingly becomes the primary choice of the Karangasem community to fill in their holiday after the past two weeks celebrating the Galungan and Kuningan holidays. This one-kilometer-long beach seemed to be filled with people from noon to evening on Sunday (Aug. 4). This beach crowd is inseparable from the efforts of the Bugbug Customary Village Tourism Authority (BP2DAB) in organizing the road access and it will continue to the shoreline arrangement of semi-permanent stalls.

The majority of visitors entered from the Bali Harmony Park (Bukit Asah) road access because they enjoyed the surrounding natural beauty from the top of this park first. Then, they just went down to Bias Putih Beach. In fact, road access from the entrance to the beach has been good enough, so it can be reached either by motorcycle or car. Visitors choose this location for a vacation because it is quite close. Moreover, they can enjoy two attractions at once, namely the beauty of the popular Bukit Asah as a campsite and the excitement of vacationing on the beach.

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One of the visitors, Ketut Indra, said the arrangement of Bukit Asah to Bias Putih Beach has been already quite large. Especially access to the parking lot has become more convenient. “From the first time to come here until now, the change has been huge. As a superior destination in Karangasem, this location needs to be supported by public facilities to make it more visible as a tourist destination. Starting from the entrance, along the access road to the location must be made more beautiful to parking and supporting facilities that can be enjoyed by visitors,” he said.

Like on Bias Putih Beach, the road access is good getting to the beach. However, towards the beach, the parking of vehicles looks irregular. It means it has not been arranged and prepared where the parking lot, private land and parking facilities for fishermen are. Seeing the existence of semi-permanent stalls on the beach, if the arrangement is made more serious, he is confident that in the future the Bias Putih Beach will be increasingly visited by local and foreign tourists.

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Thousands of visitors from various regions came to a throng along the beach. They were not only from Karangasem, but also from other regions like Bangli, Gianyar, and Klungkung. The majority of them claimed to be curious to see firsthand after often seeing the object to go viral on social media. Bias Putih Beach itself is not only crowded at the end of Galungan and Kuningan. On normal days and national holidays, it is also quite crowded. Besides, entering the period from August to October, it is estimated that tourist visits will be booming.

Chairperson of BP2DAB, Gede Putra, said the arrangement of Bukit Asah and Bias Putih Beach is integrated with the Bali Harmony Park, Bugbug village. Admittedly, the arrangement is still being done in stages. Specifically for the Bias Putih Beach, after the road access, the arrangement is planned to continue with the provision of adequate parking facilities and the arrangement of the semi-permanent stalls so that they do not protrude too much to the coastline. However, he realized the arrangement certainly cannot be done instantly. Such a plan is certainly being carried out immediately to make the tourism potential more and more worth visiting by tourists.

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Source&image: Bali Travel News


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