
New Electric Motorcycle Will be Assembled in Bali

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PT Wijaya Karya, the company behind Gesits electric motorcycles, plans to build an assembly plant in Bali. Bali Governor, I Wayan Koster, said that this plan was a very positive step and must be supported by all parties. Koster also said that the electric powered motorcycle would be in line with his government’s Nangum Sat Kerthi Loka vision, which is to create a clean and eco-friendly environment for all.

“This facility will create job opportunities for Balinese people,” he said to when PT Wijaya Karya visited the Bali Governor’s residence, Jayasabha, on Monday to discuss the Gesits motorcycle project.

After the meeting, Koster spoke to reporters advising the Balinese people to change their vehicles to more eco-friendly varieties like this one to maintain Bali’s purity. Electric motorcycles would also reduce noise pollution.

“I tried the motorcycle on National Electric Day, and I think it will be healthy for our hearing and our air quality,” he added.

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Meanwhile, PT Wijaya Karya Operational Director, Budi Waskito, said that they will carry out several location surveys to set the location of the assembly plant in Bali. “We will see the Province Government’s lands tomorrow and we hope we can start the construction plan after the Lebaran holiday,” he said.

General Manager of Bali PLN, Nyoman Suwarjoni Astawa, said that the electrical motorcycle maintenance would be cheaper than standard motorcycle maintenance. “The comparison is one to five. It’s very economical,” he said.

Suwarjoni also said that PLN will construct several charging stations at strategic locations to support the new machines, such as in the Bali Governor’s office yard.

The Gesits motorcycle prototype was originally introduced to the public on 2015 and was commercially sold at the 2019 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) for the first time last week, with an off-road price of Rp 24.95 million.

At the show last week, Harun Sjech, CEO of PT Gesits Technologies Indo, said that building an automotive industry from scratch in Indonesia is not easy. “Our term from the beginning was ‘gradually’. Because we want everything in this bike to be truly from Indonesia,” he said when launching at JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta.

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Harun said in an article in that the Gesits electric motorbike was said to have operational costs that were 60 to 70 percent more efficient than ordinary motorcycles. In one charge for 3 to 4 hours, it costs around Rp. 1,500, to go as far as 50 km. The charging itself is not up to 100 watts and can use electricity directly from the home.

“We also have a cooperation with PLN, so if someone has a Gesits vehicle registration, their house will receive a power discount of 75 percent,” he added. Besides being ready for sales, Gesits’ after-sales service is also being prepared to serve consumers. Until the end of 2019, there will be 20 official Gesits dealers in Indonesia. “We will announce the official dealers immediately because we will start delivery in July,” Harun said.

Source&image: Seminyak Times


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