
Man Arrested for calling Chika Jessica a prostitute on Instagram

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Did you know that, in Indonesia, you could get arrested for “hate speech” on social media? And that because of the ambiguous laws, anything can count as hate speech, from actual slander to basic insults? People have been arrested before for insulting Indonesian politicians, but if you insult a celebrity online you may face something even more humiliating.

33-year-old Antho Nugroho from Jambi was recently arrested for calling actress Chika Jessica a prostitute and writing some blasphemous things about her on Instagram.

Not only that, Antho was specially flown in to Jakarta yesterday just so that he could apologize to Chika face to face.

In a press conference that was attended by members of the police and Chika’s partner, celebrity illusionist Deddy Corbuzier, among others, Antho apologized in front of Chika and confessed he didn’t know the full consequences of “hating” on someone on social media.

You "MADE MY DAY" 👊🏻 #Repost @mastercorbuzier ・・・ I can tolerate haters.. Tapi saat kata kasar dan SARA kalian bawa, kemanapun kamu bersembunyi, menghilangkan jejak dan menghapus bukti.. Sampai kapanpun saya cari!!!…. U CAN RUN BUT U CAN'T HIDE FROM ME. Negara kita menjunjung tinggi Kesaktian PANCASILA.. Jangan kalian hancurkan dengan jari jari kotor kalian. Saat ini Km saya bebaskan.. Tapi ingat sampai kapanpun saya pantau kamu. Sampai kapanpun. Maaf anda saya terima, tapi itu tak pernah menjelaskan mengapa ada manusia yang bisa berkata seperti ini pada org yang bahkan tak dikenalnya……… Bagaimana seorang berusia 33 thn bekerja sebagai analis kredit di Bank bisa berkata begini? I don't get it….. Kamu mau main main? Silahkan dgn org lain atau artis lain. U want to play game with me? I have my OWN RULES. And u'r not gonna like it. Did I Say I Gonna Find You? #thisisdeddycorbuzier #trianglefamily

A photo posted by ckjessica25 (@ckjessica25) on

“I am Antho Nugroho from Jambi. I want to apologize profusely because I deliberately hurt the feelings of Mas Deddy and Chika,” Antho said, as quoted by Detik.

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“At first I thought it was all harmless. I didn’t realize that my actions could hurt so many and are actually punishable by law.”

Deddy revealed that when he first took notice of Antho’s comments on Chika’s Instagram, he called on Antho to apologize on his TV show. After Antho never showed up, Deddy hired an IT team to track down Antho, and reported his identity and crime to the police.

Deddy said that he hopes Antho’s case would be a deterrent for others who wish to spread “hate speech” on social media in Indonesia. It can’t be confirmed if Deddy and Chika still pressed charges against Antho despite the humiliating and over-the-top apology.

So there you have it folks, better watch what you say about Indonesian celebrities on social media, because evidently they need their safe space too.

Source :Coconut Jakarta



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