14 Mar 2025

Rare Sumatran Tiger Triplets Born at Bali Zoo

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Three Sumatran Tiger triplets were born at the Bali Zoo on Tuesday evening. Not only are the cubs absolutely adorable, but their birth is a big deal in species conservation, marking the first case of successful breeding of the critically endangered feline on the Indonesian island.

The cub trio, two males and one female, entered the world at 5pm yesterday, according to a spokesperson from the zoo. The triplets are the first generation of successful breeding from parents, five-year-old Sean and three-year-old Pandeka.

The tigers were all born healthy, as concluded by a team from the Bali Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) Bali and Gianyar Regency Conservation Team II. The cubs were given a general check-up, their first round of vaccinations, and were microchipped. The triplets will be under intensive monitoring and care from a team of vets at the Bali Zoo.

With the addition of these new tiger kiddos to their parents, there is now a total of five Sumatran Tigers at the Bali Zoo. “The birth of these three Sumatran tiger cubs shows the success of the Bali Zoo as a conservation institution in the endeavor of preserving endangered species, since according to data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are only 400 Sumatran Tigers still alive in Indonesia,” Bali Post quoted the zoo’s spokesperson as saying.

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Source&image: Coconuts Bali


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