14 Mar 2025

Russian Man Camps and Meditates on Mount Agung

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A Russian tourist, Khaliman, 43, climbed Mount Agung on Saturday night even when the volcano still remained very active lately. Local residents became curious when they found a Vario motorbike parked at Penataran Nangka Temple. Later they witnessed a flashlight on the paths heading up the mountain in the evening.

After a local volunteer reported the incident to Bebandem police, officers went to the location of the parked motorcycle and moved it to Bhuana Giri Village Office. Since the man still hadn’t come down, at around 1am six volunteers climbed and tracked his footprints. After finding him, they arrived back to the Vario location at around 7am.

One of the volunteers, Ngurah Subrata, 45, said that Khaliman was found around the 2 km radius mark above the Lawangan Nangka Temple. He had already set up camp there. According to Subrata’s statement, Khaliman didn’t want to go down. He was willing to go down after they explained about Mount Agung active condition. “He wanted to stay there for several days,” Subrata told

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Subrata suspected that he followed a certain spiritual teaching because when they asked him to go down he asked first for 30 minutes to meditate. When they got down, he was brought to Buanagiri Village Office.

The man admitted that he went the spot to find a new atmosphere and he didn’t know that it was forbidden to climb Mount Agung. Then, after eating and drinking, he went back to his hotel in Kuta. “I never intended to reach the mountain top,” he said.


Source&image: Seminyak Times


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