
Bali’s First Deportation of 2024: British National Expelled for Overstaying

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In a peculiar turn of events, a British expatriate, BAH (42), found himself on the wrong side of immigration laws in Bali and became the first foreigner to be deported from the island in 2024 due to overstaying.

Gede Dudy Duwita, the Head of the Immigration Detention Center in Denpasar, shed light on the situation, revealing that BAH had exceeded his permitted stay in Bali by a whopping 24 days since his arrival at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport on September 29, 2023.

According to Dudy, BAH admitted to not leaving Indonesia even after the extension of his visa on arrival expired on November 27, 2023. “Due to his inability to purchase a return ticket to England,” Dudy explained in an official statement received by detikBali on Friday (January 5, 2024).

Dudy further explained that BAH faced difficulties in raising the necessary funds to buy a return ticket to England. “Efforts to seek assistance from the embassy yielded no results, as his family in England also experienced financial difficulties. Despite the embassy’s promise to help with the purchase of a return ticket, the process took quite a long time,” he added.

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In light of these circumstances, BAH was transferred to the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) in Denpasar on December 21, 2023, for detention and subsequent deportation efforts.

“Even though he claimed it was due to his forgetfulness, Immigration can still take Administrative Immigration Actions for deportation, in line with the principle of ignorantia legis neminem excusat, or ignorance of the law excuses no one,” clarified Dudy.

Dudy revealed that BAH was detained at Rudenim for 13 days. Eventually, BAH was able to be deported after securing a loan from the British Consulate in Bali.

Romi Yudianto, the Head of the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, issued a reminder to all authorities to remain vigilant and keep a close eye on foreign tourists in Bali.

“We urge immigration officials to always increase awareness and supervision of foreign nationals. We cannot allow any foreigners to enter and stay in Indonesia illegally,” emphasized Romi.

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Source: Detik Bali


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