
Badung Market Comes with “Mall Nuance”

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Come to the Badung Market. You will find and enjoy something different. The biggest market in the city of Denpasar, namely the Badung Market, is now officially operated. A total of 1,698 merchants can sell as usual. Moreover, it comes with modern supporting facilities. The traditional market claimed to be the largest in Eastern Indonesia can provide convenience for consumers and merchants.

The soft opening of the market was carried out by the Mayor of Denpasar, I.B. Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra, on Sunday (Feb. 24). It was attended by Regional Secretary of Denpasar AAN Rai Iswara, Chairman of Commission III of Denpasar House of Representatives Eko Supriadi and some other officials.

It was marked by the submission of the weighing machine of re-measuring calibration post as the reward of the Denpasar as the City of Orderly Measurement 2017 by the Director General of Metrology at the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia marked by symbolic submission by the Mayor of Denpasar I.B. Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra to Director of PD Pasar Denpasar, I.B. Kompyang Wiranata.

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Furthermore, it was resumed with inspection to all traders at their kiosks and merchant booths accompanied by dissemination of plastic reduction through the delivery of eco-friendly bags to merchants and the community, CSR from IWAPI Denpasar and BPD Bali.

Mayor Rai Mantra along with his ranks was flooded with gratitude for the rebuilding of Badung Market with various facilities available to ease the access and accommodation for merchants and consumers. One of the merchants from Jalan A. Yani, Denpasar, Ni Made Leong, said that she was happy to be able to occupy the newly opened market. Various facilities also provide easy access for the activities in the new Badung Market.

Mayor Rai Dharmawijaya Mantra explained that revitalization of the traditional market is one of the flagship programs of the Denpasar municipality to increase the competitiveness and dignity of merchants. A variety of supporting facilities continues to be improved in order to realize a fresh, clean and reliable traditional market. Thus, this traditional market is not only used as a meeting place for sellers and buyers, but also a place for recreation and tourism.

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Rai Mantra added the soft opening of the market is expected to be able to inventory all kinds of shortcomings that may exist in the actual market operations. On that account, solutions can be made and the future market operations can run smoothly and provide benefits for the entire community. On this occasion, Rai Mantra also invited all relevant stakeholders to jointly maintain the Badung Market which has now been well organized in accordance with national standard (SNI).

Director of PD Pasar Denpasar, I.B. Kompyang Wiranata, explained the existence of the Badung Market as the hub of economic activities in the city of Denpasar is very important. As a traditional market, of course increasing market infrastructure must continue to be carried out. Nevertheless, with modern management, it is certainly still maintaining culture or Smart Heritage Market as part of the city tour.

Kompyang Wiranata added that currently the Badung Market is being prepared to qualify for the SNI standards with the application of digitalization-based governance, online system and so on to support the existence of the traditional markets in the midst of very tight market competition.

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Source&image: BaliTravelNews


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