
Destination for Millennial Travelers Inaugurated in Bandung

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Bandung’s new tourist destination, Orchid Forest Cikole, was officially inaugurated on Friday. Its inauguration officiated by Tourism Minister Arief Yahya, the destination seeks to increase tourist visits to the West Java capital, particularly millennial travelers.

“One-third of tourists [who come to Bandung] are millennials,” said Arief in a statement as quoted by on Friday. He added that the place was very suitable for millennial tourists as it combined a breathtaking landscape and Instagrammable decoration.

Orchid Forest Cikole boasts a sea of lush pine trees. Among the visitors will discover many photo spots, such as a rope bridge and selfie stages. Arief said millennials were particularly fond of destinations that looked beautiful on the camera such as this place.

The area is also said to host a co-working space, a glamping and camping area, as well as a natural-looking performance stage. Orchid Forest director Maulana Akbar said that last year the stage hosted an international music festival called La La Fest.

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Prior to the inauguration, on Aug. 8 Orchid Forest Cikole signed a memorandum of understanding for a Wonderful Indonesia co-branding partnership with the Tourism Ministry. It later signed an agreement with the Bandung Institute of Tourism (STP) on Aug. 10, which aims to strengthen human resources to further develop digital destinations and nomadic tourism.

Source&image: TheJakartaPost


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